The show "Once Upon a Time" is a show that I actually make the time for. It is a mixture of all the Fairy tales and authenticity is a question mark that ABC a subsidiary of Disney loves to disregard. There is a episode of "Hansel and Gretal" that I would like to mention. Unlike the fairy tale there is no happy ending. The children are sent to seek an apple from the Witch, who owns the sweets house, by another witch. There is no stepmother in the story and the father is a woodsman gathering wood. The evil queen, Snow White's step mother aka the second witch offers the children a home which is declined by the children and sends the witch into a rage. Her reprisal consists of finding the children's father and cursing the family to search for each other for all eternity.
Hair is considered a weapon of seduction and finesse in the fairytales. Rapunzal is seen as using her hair to bring her prince into the tower. In modern day hair is still considered one of the attributes of beauty. Women spend so much money on hair spray, gel, straightening irons and the list can go on and on. Lustrous long hair is considered a sign of great beauty. When I cut my hair a month ago, my grandmother and even some of my coworkers were upset, they were like "Why would you cut your hair?" At the same time people in our society to dye hair into a blonde hue because of the Disney versions of these very fairytales. Regardless, of whether their skin tone is compatible with their hair color the majority are often seen highlighting that hair color. This proves that the desire to obtain that fairy like beauty is still in our society today.
Last month I went shoe shopping and I noticed right away shoes that look like ballet slippers. They reminded me of Cinderella and even though they were not made of glass, they were very dainty and flimsy looking. When I got the shoes, it just confirmed the obvious. One of the shoes were made all out of fur and cost me more then the other pair which had silver linings and designs on it. The fur apparently is more distinguished looking hence pricier but it reminded me of how it was mentioned n class that in some versions of Cinderella her slippers could have been made out of fur. This also could go back to the original story of "All Fur". The name of these shoes are called "footzey rolls". Cinderella should have gotten her shoes from that company and for sure she would not have lost them.