Today, you called me around three saying how much you missed me.
I was annoyed and said I missed you more,
Then you went onto say how you wanted to see me and lets hang out and chill.......
I sighed inwardly and realized that I didn't want to see your face.
The past was like a shadow and I still was angry at what happened the day before.
I said yes when I meant NO........
Why couldn't I just have said what should have been said.......
Time heals all wounds I've been told and yet the scars remain.....
I know that the crumbs of yesterday are barely there,
the happiness is lacking in what we have and the love has changed into something I dont want............
Honestly, I don't want you in my life cause I know its the same for you...........
That pains me....... the glimpse that you gave me of love and yet the words that come from your mouth
Lack the conviction, that is obvious
The lack of respect and the nostalgic look you give over your shoulder.......
You promised bliss and a life of adventure .........
Yet you dont think twice when you curse me out,
not once thinking of the respect I might hold for you.....
I cry for myself not for "us" cause there is no "us" ......
We thought individually not together like we should have been.....
I had hoped that despite the gulf between us you would wade into the sea .....
And say "Baby no matter what I love you and will be there for you"......
I've seen hate, family hold for another,
Race spitting at each other despite the fact that the boroughs embrace all........
Comments made on the street for no reason then to utter words that aren't necessary and cause pain....
So, I have to bend myself and despite my misgivings I say ........
I forgive you and will give you the time you need to grow .......
I don't want to destroy the images of romance that I cherish ....
Of the white knight that will slay the dragon and save me in my tower.....
In the ball of hate I find FORGIVENESS,
I hope to take this as a life lesson learned and taught well
by the master called karma and fate.
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