
Events that occur on a daily basis. Interactions that would be considered the norm and how they are able to shape our perception of the world and people. People come not only in all shapes and sizes but they are all unique in their own way. The impression we may have of a person also may determines how we may view race, religion and even ourselves. I will talk about something that has effected me and that has left a lasting effect on me.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cinderella (The French Version)

Who would have thought that they were so many versions of all the fairytales we heard as a child? I for one always thought that Disney was the authentic and only version. Boy was I wrong!

Today I will be discussing the French version of Cinderella.

In this version the father is completely ruled by his new wife and doesn't  defend Cinderella against his new family. Cinderella is exceedingly good natured and this is displayed when she helps her step-sisters get ready for the ball. In this version, Cinderella actually has a fairy God mother and the step sisters are mentioned more often as her tormentors then her step-mother. The step-sisters actually ask for Cinderella's' forgiveness when they find out that she is the mysterious girl from the ball. Cinderella not only shares her fruits at the ball  but also her good fortune, by bringing her sisters to the palace with her, and getting them married to the gentlemen in the court.