
Events that occur on a daily basis. Interactions that would be considered the norm and how they are able to shape our perception of the world and people. People come not only in all shapes and sizes but they are all unique in their own way. The impression we may have of a person also may determines how we may view race, religion and even ourselves. I will talk about something that has effected me and that has left a lasting effect on me.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The innocence of childhood (Note intially written in 2003)

The innocence of childhood
has come and  washed away.
Full of childish delights,
of lofty heights and play.

The giggle of laughter
has become yesterday.
For childhood is little
Compared to life ahead;
Filled with gay naivety
pretend and play.

Woe to people,
who destroy such fun!
For childhoods shorts
are not made for the run
of the long life ahead...................

You'll find a lot of thrones
in the life ahead ....................
That might bend inwards
with shreds of glass
Made of the very tears that shed.

For happiness in naivety
is precious that is true!
Once childhood is over ...........
It'll never come anew!

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot of truth in those lines.
